
Free .edu And .gov Links

Continuing the hunt for .edu links. Here is the 2nd tip to get free edu and gov links. You can read the previous tip here: GET FREE EDU LINK

Type the following query in any search engine to get some .EDU and .GOV links

blog + .gov
blog + .edu

You will get all the blogs that uses either .gov or .edu domain. Read them and if find any relevant blog post, comment on it and put a related url in your comments.

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Anonymous said...

And would you suggest taking the time to post even if it's "nofollowed"? (I know other search engines don't obey nofollow but I'm speaking in terms of Google)

SEOz87 said...

You are an SEO and you can understand whether its worth the time or not :) To clear your doubts, read this article